
Ag-Hasa a Statue

 Ag-Hasa a Statue The root of the name Jasaan Ag-hasa a statue, where the name Jasaan came from, which is a place located in the Province of Misamis Oriental. Ag-hasa a means ``I am sharpening my bolo". The story behind the statue is that there is a native sharpening his bolo in Sapong Spring and now it is called Kota, Aplaya which is part of Jasaan.   A Spanish missionary came and asked the native about the name of the place, the native didn't understand the missionary and he thought that the missionary asked him about what he is doing so, he answered that he is doing "Ag-hasa a'' which means "sharpening my bolo". The missionary thought that he answered correctly and called the place "Ag-hasaa".  He found it difficult to pronounce and called it "Hasaan". Later on it was changed into " Jasaan". The Ag-has a statue that symbolizes the beginning of the place name Jasaan.